Friday, December 9, 2016

Availability charts in JazzSM based on TBSM service instance status data in Metric History DB

If you're not running any IBM Tivoli Monitoring (or APM) and so cannot plug TBSM's Tivoli Agent or start collecting data in Tivoli Data Warehouse, but still would like to collect this data historically and present useful charts like Availability[%], outage counts, MTTRs and total outages, see these examples I built for my project. I use TBSM metric history DB, Impact UI data provider and JazzSM and of course any TBSM service model, means templates and instances. I don't need ITM/TDW (I have another version of this solution which can run based on ITM/TDW too ;) Let me know if you're interested in implementing these charts in your TBSM/ JazzSM!

Availability, outage count, MTTR and outage duration charts built in TBSM and JazzSM.

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