You can find a post about it also on the IBM developerWorks site:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Business%20Service%20Manager1/page/Advanced%20Topics
Except obviously fixes the fix pack contains few new functionalities and some of them require a manual installation action from administrators. Are they worthwhile? Let me check with you.
If you want to understand the context of the issue behind this fix (APAR), see here:
If you let me quote:
"TBSM stops processing events because it is blocking on the TBSM database radevent table. Eventually all connections to the database are used up and the processing stops. This causes the event reader for TBSM stops reasding events because the queue to process them is full - this is usually the first symptom."
So we have a typical performance issue here, if there's too many events to process, because you have too many rules or service instances defined in TBSM, the data amount that needs to be stored in TBSM database, in table RADEVENTSTORE (typically a mapping between events and instances) will overwhelm the TBSM database if it was left as configured by default. A new, custom configuration is recommended to do instead.
Since the Fix pack Readme available here:
misses the Microsoft Windows instructions, just in case, here's my recipe:
a) click Menu Start-> IBM DB2 -> DB2COPY1 (Default) (or whatever is your DB2 copy name)
b) choose Command Windows - Administrator
c) In the command line tool go to (assuming your TBSM_HOME is in Program Files):
cd "\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tipv2\profiles\TIP
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tipv2\profiles\TIPProfile\installedApps\TIPCell\isc.
ear\sla.war\install>db2 connect to tbsm
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT64 10.1.0
SQL authorization ID = MPALUCH
Local database alias = TBSM
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tipv2\profiles\TIPProfile\installedApps\TIPCell\isc.
ear\sla.war\install>type AddRADEventStoreIndex.sql | db2
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007
Command Line Processor for DB2 Client 10.1.0
You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command
prompt. For example:
db2 => connect to sample
db2 => bind sample.bnd
For general help, type: ?.
For command help, type: ? command, where command can be
the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:
? CATALOG for help on all of the CATALOG commands.
To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside
interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'.
To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS.
For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.
db2 => DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => db2 => SQL2314W Some statistics are in an inconsistent state. The newly
"INDEX" statistics are inconsistent with the existing "TABLE" statistics.
db2 => db2 => DB20000I The RUNSTATS command completed successfully.
db2 =>
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tipv2\profiles\TIPProfile\installedApps\TIPCell\isc.
Next, open your TIP with TBSM and Impact UI, go to folders System Configuration->Event Automation and select Data Model page. Next change project to TBSM_BASE and find TBSMDatabase data source.
And the last step is the lock timeout set to 30, re-use your DB2 session, if you lost it connect to TBSM database first and then set the lock timeout:
db2 => connect to tbsm
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/NT64 10.1.0
SQL authorization ID = MPALUCH
Local database alias = TBSM
db2 => set current lock timeout 30
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 =>
2. Adding the new "Delete Service Instance" menu action.
Another manual action you want to take is adding this new action item to your right-click menu in your TIP-based ServiceInstance tree template. It is quite harsh to remove your selected instance especially if you have thousands of instances - going to that big container-like page with all instances and check boxes to select those which you want to install - is a hassle. Let's see if setting up the new menu item is fine and easy.So basically this is what you want in your ServiceInstance.xml at the end:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><treeTemplate name="ServiceInstance">
<column displayName="State"/>
<column displayName="Time"/>
<column displayName="Events"/>
<templateTreeMapping primaryTemplateName="DefaultTag">
<treeColumn displayName="State" attribute="serviceStatusImage"/>
<treeColumn displayName="Time" attribute="slaStatusImage"/>
<treeColumn displayName="Events" attribute="rawEventsImage"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="ShowServiceInstanceEditor"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName = "DeleteServiceInstance"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="InstantiateOneHopServiceMap"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="ChooseChildrenTool"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="ShowMemberTemplates"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="ViewTools"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="IntegrationTools"/>
<actionMapping clickType="~popupMenu" actionName="MaintTools"/>
If, for any reason, something like this happens to you after you did put both artifacts back to DB2 and wanted to reinit your canvas:
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsm\bin>rad_reinitcanvas.bat tipadmin smartway
Final result - Failure : 1
simply restart your TIPProfile. It will do the job and after all you should get this new menu item available in the Service Navigator portlet in TIP while looking at Services:
What is slightly weird is that if you're in the service edit mode, even after deleting it it stays open in the editor:
No worries thought, even if you try to save it, TBSM won't let you do it.
3. The service SLAPrunePolicyActivator
This one is quite important. You may remember or be aware of this issue explained in here:
You're safe if you don't use SLA calculations in TBSM. But if you do, this article is nice enough to tell you which tables to clean manually yourself from time to time. So finally we have an automation doing that work for you! Let's see if it's easy to setup.
As the prerequisite you're to install new policies shipped with TBSM 6.1.1 FP4 (just one is new, others come from the previous 6.1.1 Fix packs).Unfortunately something went wrong on my TBSM on Windows:
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsm\bin>ApplyPoliciesFor611FP4.bat <user> <pass>
"running rad_discover_schema on SLA_OutageView"
Final result - Failure : 1
"running rad_discover_schema on SLA_ArchiveView"
Final result - Failure : 1
PUSH policy: ResEnrichReaderRecycle.js --project TBSM_BASE
Final result - Failure : 1
PUSH policy: AV_GetColorForSeverity.ipl --project TBSM_BASE
Final result - Failure : 1
PUSH policy: SLAPrune.ipl --project TBSM_BASE
Final result - Failure : 1
trigger policy: ResEnrichReaderRecycle
Final result - Failure : 1
NOTE: If there are failures during the PUSH, it is likely due to policy being l
if this is the case, unlock the policy and re-run this script!
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsm\bin>
So I'll use the Impact UI instead:
Once I have the policy uploaded, I configure the service. I think it makes great sense to put that service also into the TBSM_BASE project. Let see how it works. The service's log looks not much self-explanatory:
May 14, 2016 11:36:22 PM CEST[SLAPrunePolicyActivator]SLAPrunePolicyActivator: executed
May 14, 2016 11:36:22 PM CEST[SLAPrunePolicyActivator]SLAPrunePolicyActivator: started
and the policy log is also not very talkative about the effort or how many entries where there in those 7 tables that it pruned:
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,401: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Starting policy SLAPrune
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,401: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_DurationCountWatchers with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,417: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_TasksOfDurationCountWatcher with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,417: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_IncidentCountWatchers with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,432: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_TasksOfIncidentCountWatchers with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,432: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_CumulDurationRuleState with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,448: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_CumulRuleArchive with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,448: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Calling BatchDelete for DataType SLA_EventStore with filter: timestamp < 1460669782401
14 maj 2016 23:36:22,464: [SLAPrune][pool-7-thread-63]Parser log: Finished policy SLAPrune and exiting now...
Too late I realized that I could check on the radeventstore data volume before I ran the service. I could only check on that after I did that:
db2 => select count(*) from tbsmbase.radeventstore
1 record(s) selected.
db2 =>
Well. next time. I believe it works ok ;)
4. TBSMDBChecker
Last not least, not sure why post-install steps are spread across the readme file, this one isn't really together with those mentioned above and you need to read the readme quite carefully in order to not miss it.Copying the TBSMDB checker tools from Fix pack zip to TBSM tbsmdb directory could be done by the installer and it isn't, maybe because tbsmdb directory belongs to the TBSM DB management tool and it might be owned by another user, not the one which runs TBSM.
TBSM_Check_DB.bat, and TBSMDBChecker.props are identical with those that you already have. So the only difference is in tbsmDatabaseChecker.xml which contains few extra sections related to checking on user providing a password. Checking TBSM DB is rather a simple task and should look like this (if everything works ok):
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsmdb\bin>TBSM_Check_DB.bat
Calling ant script tbsmDatabaseChecker.xml to check the databases
[input] Enter administrative database userid. This user should have SYSADMIN
or SECADMIN authority and will be used to check authority of data server userid
Enter the password for administrative database userid db2admin:
[input] Enter database userid that will be used to connect the database from
the TBSM data server: [db2admin]
Enter the password for data server database userid db2admin:
[input] Enter database(s) to be checked:
[input] S = Service Model
[input] H = Metric History
[input] M = Metric Marker
[input] [ALL]
[echo] Executing main TBSM Database checker task at 2016/05/15 00:17:13.994
[echo] Checking of the following TBSM database was successful: TBSM
[echo] See the stdout and stderr logs for more detail. The logs can be foun
d in: C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsmdb\logs.
[echo] TBSM Database checker ended at 2016/05/15 00:17:17.075
Total time: 25 seconds
C:\Program Files\IBM\tivoli\tbsmdb\bin>
If you want to learn more about the TBSM database checker tool, read this technote:
5. Discovery library toolkit and Monitoring Agent for TBSM fix pack installation
The installation itself is just like described, I'm adding these steps to the list just to make the picture of the post-installation manual steps complete. There's no APAR for the Monitoring Agent for TBSM in the fix pack 4 hence still the one included in Fix Pack 1 is still the latest one and if you have it already installed, you're done with it. Speaking about the discovery library toolkit, there's an update in fix pack 4 to install.This is it. A few of manual post-install steps, always easy to overlook when reading a long readme, I hope that someone finds this overview useful.
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