This is a recipe for a very problem with federated repositories in WebSphere Application Server, particularly in Java application which is Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.x and several implementations of TIP-based modules, like Tivoli OMNIbus WebGUI 7.3.x and Tivoli Business Service Manager 6.x Dashboard Server.
After installing a TIP-based module with disabled option for netcoolObjectServerRepository acting as one of repositories within the central WAS federated repo, you can still do it later by running special script enabling ObjectServer plugin for VMM (Virtual Member Manager). Here's more details on that:
But it may happen that even after adding the ObjectServer repository and restarting TIP (eWAS Java process), the repository may be not visible on the list of repositories in the Realm, in WAS console.
In such a case, pay attention to wimconfig.xml file. It happened to me, for unknown reason (for now at least) that all was set up correctly but one little thing - netcoolObjectServerRepository wasn't included in "participating" xml tag in wimconfig.xml file. Simple adding the missing stanza did the job.
So, it should look like this at the end of day:
<config:realmConfiguration defaultRealm="defaultWIMFileBasedRealm">
<config:realms delimiter="/" name="defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" securityUse="active">
<config:participatingBaseEntries name="o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/>
<config:participatingBaseEntries name="o=netcoolObjectServerRepository"/>
<config:participatingBaseEntries name="dc=acme,dc=com"/>
The example above shows usage for Netcool Object Server Repository as well as for my open LDAP repository (
The file can be found here:
/opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2 is the standard TIP_HOME directory on Linux platforms.
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